Cordoba Facts
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Córdoba Fast Facts

Population1,300,000 (approx)
GeographyLocated in the foothills of the Sierras Chicas on the Suquía River and near hte geographical center of Argentina.
ClimateA temperate climate with four defined seasons. Moderated by the city's altitude and the pampas winds, therefore somewhat cooler than other global destinations at similar latitude.
Average Temperatures Average annual temperature: 18ºC
Average temperature July (coldest month): 11ºC
Average temperature January (warmest month):24º
Local fareCharcoal-grilled meats, international cuisine with ethnic touches, strong Italian and Spanish influences, wine, empanadas (meat pies), dulce de leche ("milk jam").
Tourist OfficeCasa Cabildo Tourist Center
Address: Independencia 30
Tel: 428-5856
Did you know?Córdoba is called La Docta (meaning roughly "The Scholarly One") due to its historic reputation as a center of academia and science. It has Argentina's oldest university and today, around 200,000 students study in the city's 7 universities, making it one of South America's liveliest and most youthful cities.

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