ENFOREX is a private company owned by Ideal Education Group (IEG). ENFOREX schools are accredited by the Cervantes Institute and other institutions. Head Office: Gustavo Fernández Balbuena 11, 28002 Madrid, Spain. Tax Identification Code (CIF) B-79946729. IDEAL EDUCATION GROUP SL. registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid Volume 868, book 0, folio 154, section 8, page Nº - 17.285.


  • ENFOREX guarantees that all descriptions of programs, accommodation, and complementary services in the dates/prices are updated (any and all special arrangements and/or agreements must be set in writing and signed by ENFOREX). You can always find the most updated version online here.
  • The personnel in charge of airport transfer and transportation to accommodation are insured, completely familiar with the area and know exactly where the students are to be dropped off.
  • ENFOREX is member of, accredited by or part of the following national and international organizations: Instituto Cervantes, eduSpain, NAFSA, Ideal Quality Certificate, AATSP, ALTO, AMACFE, FEDELE, AECAE, ACTFL and ELITE.
  • ENFOREX guarantees a maximum of 10 students per classroom (12 in high season). Maximum 15 students in Summer Camps and Junior programs. Maximum 10 in the online courses.
  • ENFOREX’s conditions do not apply to partner schools. Each partner school has its own conditions. For more information, please contact our Head Office.
  • ENFOREX reserves the right to use all photos and videos taken during the student’s stay. Students should be aware that they may appear in IEG’s or partner’s promotional material, unless the student expressly states upon arrival or during the photo shooting at the school that he/she does not wish to appear.
  • In the case of a serious disciplinary offence or repeated bad behavior, the student will be expelled from the program contracted with ENFOREX without the right to a refund.
  • Published offers or special discounts cannot be combined. All offers are subject to availability. There will be no changes made to bookings that have been received prior to the promotion. All offers and promotions will be applied upon enrollment. Discounts that became available after the first enrollment are not valid.
  • The enrollment fee is valid for one year from the first reservation made for all IEG schools in Spain and Latin America. In other words, any courses reserved during a 12-month period can be made using the same enrollment fee.
  • In the exceptional case that only 2 students are enrolled in a course in the same level, the school reserves the right to convert the course into a semi-private program which will result in a 50% reduction of class hours and in the exceptional case that only 1 student is enrolled in a course, the school reserves the right to convert the course into a private program which will result in a 70% reduction of class hours.
  • If a student cannot attend a private class, they must inform ENFOREX in writing at least 72 hours ahead of time if they wish to make up the class.
  • In cities where programs are also available at other Ideal Education Group (IEG) schools, classes can be combined at any time.
  • For hygienic reasons, pets and animals are not allowed in schools, lodgings or any other type of facility.
  • Any complaints must be submitted in writing and within the first 24 hours This ensures that we can take care of the issue as soon as possible and seek a quick resolution. Only complaints made during the student’s stay have the right to any possible compensation, refund or changes. Any complaints made after departure will only be accepted as suggestions in order to improve our services.


  • A personalized Enforex certificate of attendance and achievement will be issued in accordance with the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference.
  • This certificate will contain the name of the course taken, course level and number of hours completed. The name of the school in which the class(es) were given, dates of enrollment and level achieved will also be included.
  • The certificate will only be issued to students who attend at least 85% of their classes and is not valid as an official document in accordance with the current legislation regulating non-formal education.


  • Credit issued due to exceptional circumstances is only valid for up to 12 months from the date of issuance. Once the 12-month period ends, the student loses the right to the credit or refund.
  • Credit is valid only for the geographic region for which it was issued (i.e., credit issued for Spain is not valid for programs in Latin America) and is not transferable to other students.
  • Credit notes cannot be converted into a refund or be used for a partner school.
  • Prices vary from one year to another and will be updated. Please take in mind that this will increase or decrease the issued credit amount when using your credit note.


  • For registrations received a week or less prior to the beginning of a course, ENFOREX does not guarantee the type of accommodation desired and requested by the student; priority is given to students who register further in advance.
  • In the event that a student is not satisfied with the assigned accommodation for any justifiable reason, the student may move to another accommodation of the same type (up to 3 changes allowed). Students wishing to change accommodation arrangements should notify the person in charge during their first day of the program.
  • All students should inform ENFOREX or the host family in advance (7 days) of their approximate time of arrival. In the event that one of the previously mentioned parties is not contacted, ENFOREX will not be held responsible for greeting or picking-up the student upon arrival.
  • ENFOREX does not guarantee accommodation for the family members or friends of enrolled students, as priority regarding available accommodation is given to ENFOREX students.
  • The student will be charged for property damages caused either intentionally or through negligence.
  • If there is damage and no one is directly responsible, the cost of repairs will be divided among all students in the apartment or residence.
  • At ENFOREX, respect for others and for the rules is essential for our programs to run smoothly. Students’ failure to follow the established rules will be grounds for withholding the accommodation security deposit. Some examples of behaviors that merit forfeit of the accommodation deposit include having guests stay overnight, smoking in the bedrooms, consumption of alcohol, consumption of any narcotic or harmful substance, and any other conduct that Enforex management considers inappropriate.
  • It is not allowed to making loud noises, having parties, or music in our accommodation at any time.
  • In the case of a serious disciplinary offence, repeated bad behavior or not following the established rules, the student will be expelled from the accommodation contracted with ENFOREX without the right to a refund.
  • Apartments and student residences may be substituted by other types of accommodation, at the same price, during the high season.
  • If you reserve a shared double room (shared with another student) and there is no other student with whom you can share the room, we reserve the right to change your room at any time.
  • If we make an upgrade to a single room during your stay, and we need the accommodation after your arrival, we reserve the right to change your room at any time again to your original reserved and confirmed booking accommodation option.


  • All program fees must be paid at least 4 weeks prior to arrival otherwise ENFOREX reserves the right to cancel the the student’s booking.
  • The € 250 / $ 300 deposit will not be returned for any cancellations made. For cancellations made less than 4 weeks before the start date, you will be charged the enrollment fee plus the cost of 2 weeks of the program (course and/or and accommodation).
  • Participants who cancel their Spanish + Internship, Volunteer program, or any other Special program at IEG or partner school in Spain or Latin America, more than 4 weeks before it is scheduled to begin will be charged a € 500 / $ 600 cancellation fee. If this program is canceled less than 4 weeks before the program of the program start date, the full price of the program will be charged.
  • For cancellations made less than 2 weeks or ‘no show’ of the student for any reason, you will be charged the cost of 4 weeks for the program (course and/or accommodation) plus all extras reserved in your confirmed booking, unless you have purchased and paid our Cancellation Guarantee.
  • Cancellations made once the invitation letter has been sent to you for a student visa application, have special conditions (see section Visas for Spain).
  • For cancellations of a private apartment or hotel reservation, no refund or credit towards the purchase of other products will apply.
  • All refunds, under any circumstances, are subject to an administration fee of 9% (or a minimum of € 75 / $ 90). I.e., when a refund is issued, ENFOREX will retain 9% as well as the € 250 / $ 300 deposit. Refunds for overpayment will be subject to a minimum € 35 / $ 40 administration fee.
  • All students who wish to cancel their program (course and/or accommodation) prior to arrival should notify ENFOREX in writing by e-mail or by certified mail or by certified mail to our head office in Madrid.
  • Cancellations not received via one of the 2 aforementioned means will not be accepted.
  • In no case whatsoever will a refund be made for the cost of the program or accommodation once the program has started (unless the cancellation guarantee has been purchased).
  • For each change before arrival to your confirmed booking (start dates, program, or services) for programs in Spain and Latin America, € 100 / $ 120 will be charged for administrative costs. For changes after arrival of destination, school, accommodation or program € 100 / $ 120 will be charged for courses in Spain and Mexico and subject to availability, paying the price difference if applicable. For all other changes after arrival to your confirmed reservation for programs in Spain and Latin America, € 250 / $ 300 will be charged for administrative costs. All changes are subject to availability.
  • Changes in start dates made less than 2 weeks before your arrival, are subject to a last minute fee and you will be charged the cost of 2 weeks for the program (course and/or accommodation) plus all extras reserved in your confirmed booking.
  • Holidays & Course break: 1 free week off for holidays is available for every 4 weeks of study (1-week notice required. Students will be charged for their full stay at our accommodation, including breaks, in order to keep their reservation). In all other cases, taking a break during your course will incur a fee of € 100 / $ 120 and accommodation must be paid in full for the original program length (subject to availability).
  • ENFOREX cannot be held responsible for cancellations due to Acts of God, health reasons, or personal problems.
  • 1. For the confirmation of reservations made 4 weeks or less before arrival, the total invoice must be paid in full at the time of enrollment.
    2. For summer camps an € 850 penalty will be applied to cancellations made in the last four weeks prior to arrival.
    3. No refunds will be granted two weeks before or any time after arrival in any case.


  • Without insurance, students are not covered for any illness, accident, or loss of property (inside or outside accommodations or classroom) during their stay.
  • ENFOREX recommends the use of optional insurance, at a cost of € 50 / $ 60 per week.


  • To avoid cancellation expenses in the case of cancellation before and after arrival, ENFOREX recommends students purchase a Cancellation Guarantee at a (non-refundable) cost of € 75/ $ 90 per week (€ 150 per week for the Summer Camp and Junior Program).
  • This guarantee is personal and nontransferable and must be purchased, signed and paid in full upon enrollment in order to be valid. You can add extra services but not decrease the coverage.
  • When you purchase this guarantee, the time period covered by this guarantee is from the day of enrollment until the finalization of the program with ENFOREX. We will refund the cost of your course, accommodation and extras if you cancel.
  • Students who purchase the Cancellation Guarantee can cancel all or part of their program for any reason without justification. I.e. homesick, course break, returning back to home country, examination, work, illness of either the student or an immediate direct family member, pregnancy, being called to court proceedings or as a member of an electoral board, damage to your property requiring your presence, cancellation of the trip by the airline, the obligation of doing military service...
  • Student will be refunded 100% of the unused part of the program in case the cancellation is made during your stay.
  • Cancellations not communicated before Monday of the previous week will be charged for one week of course and accommodation.
  • An administration fee of € 250 / $ 300 will be charged for any and all refunds.
  • In order to cancel a language program, the student must give notice via email to The day after the email is sent will be considered the day the course has been officially canceled. Cancellation is only valid once an email has been received. For this reason, it is important that the student is certain that the email has been received. The money will be returned within 30 days of the official cancellation date.
  • Students who require and have obtained their visa through ENFOREX can purchase the cancellation guarantee, however their cancellation will only be considered once the student provides proof of having left the host country. In these cases, 9% of the amount to be refunded will be charged plus an administration fee of € 75 / $ 90 and € 35 / $ 40 bank charges will to cover administrative costs.
  • Only valid for our Ideal Education Group schools in Spain and Mexico.


  • Citizens of countries belonging to the European Union do not need a Visa to enter Spain.
  • Students coming from other countries should obtain information regarding the requirements for obtaining a Visado (Visa) at their nearest Spanish Embassy or Consulate. The certificates that accredit and confirm the enrollment in a Spanish program at ENFOREX can only be signed, sealed, and sent by people authorized by ENFOREX, who will not be responsible for rejected visa applications, as these certificates do not hold any official validity, but serve only as confirmation of a course to be taken at one of our schools. These documents will only be sent to cover the amount of course time initially contracted by the student. ENFOREX will send out, free of charge and to any student who asks for them, the following documents (if and only if the total cost of the program has been paid):
  • 1. Confirmation of the Spanish program chosen by the student.
    2. Invoice for the total cost of the program in question (course + accommodation).
  • In the event that the student should urgently need the originals of any of these documents, ENFOREX will send them and charge the cost of express mail to the student.
  • If a student visa is rejected, ENFOREX will refund the cost of the program minus € 350 / $ 400, and any additional basic costs. The student must show ENFOREX formal proof (original copy) that their visa application has been rejected in order to receive a refund. If this original copy is not received by Enforex, 100% of the cost of the program will be charged.
  • Any refund from ENFOREX if a student visa is rejected will be subject to a 9% charge (a minimum of € 75 / $ 90).
  • If the student does not obtain the visa on time for the reserved program and expected date of arrival and needs to delay or cancel his/her arrival, we will charge 100% of the first 2 weeks plus all described cancellation fees (see section Course Cancellations and Changes).


  • Flight information (place, date, time, and flight number) must be confirmed in writing at least one week prior to arrival. Otherwise, ENFOREX will not be held responsible for picking up the student at the airport and there will be no refund.
  • If the student cancels the airport shuttle service less than one week prior to arrival, he/she will lose the right to a refund of the cost of that service.
  • In the exceptional case that upon arrival, other students who have reserved a private airport transfer service with us and arrive around the same time, our driver reserves the right to combine the transfers.
  • In the event of delays or changes in flight information without previous notification, ENFOREX will not be held responsible for picking up the student at the airport and there will be no refund.


  • Please check here for updated holiday information before planning your trip to Spain and Latin America.
  • Classes missed due to national or local holidays will not be made up or refunded. When more than one holiday falls in the same week (Monday – Friday), either one day of the missed classes can be made up or a 20% discount will be applied to the corresponding course week price for a 1 or 2-week program; if students prefer to receive the discount they must notify us at the time of enrollment. One-to-One classes will always be made up.


Upon signing the registration form or paying the program fees, the student accepts all of the conditions described above. If, under any circumstances, uncontrollable by ENFOREX, accommodation prices increase, ENFOREX will notify the student ahead of said changes. This price supersedes the previously existing price and is valid from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 for all programs taking place between these two dates. ENFOREX is not responsible for typographical errors and/or misprints contained in this price. Updated in October 2023 and subject to change.


In compliance with Spanish legislation (Organic Law LOPDGDD, 3/2018 of December 5th, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights) ENFOREX would like to inform you that your personal information will be stored in a database (for which Ideal Education Group, S.L. is liable and responsible), and used solely for the commercial and operational purposes of the company. By accepting these general conditions, you consent to the use of your personal information for the above stated purposes. You have the right to request that we inform you of your right to access, correct or cancel such information within the established terms of the prevailing legislation, by writing to the address: Gustavo Fernández Balbuena 11, 28002 Madrid, Spain


Any dispute relating to the programs will be resolved by the courts under applicable law. This excludes any other form of dispute resolution (administrative bodies, arbitration, etc.). Any conflict that may arise between the parties in regards to the interpretation, completion, and execution of this contract will be subject to the jurisdiction of the judges and courts of Madrid.