Introduction Enforex Summer Camps

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Summer Language Camps
Discover our Summer Camps in Spain!

Enforex Camps in Spain

For the past three decades, Enforex has offered residential, day camp, and homestay programs for adolescents during the summer. By bringing students from all over the world together with 60% Spanish campers, these programs allow international youth to make Spanish friends their age, acquire a profound understanding of the Spanish way of life, and increase their awareness of a variety of world cultures. Enforex is proud to offer this enriching opportunity for students ages 5 to 18 years old. Our campers come from more than 32 countries, which creates a uniquely diverse environment for developing linguistic and interpersonal skills.

Students at Enforex Summer Camp
Students at Enforex Summer Camp

Summer classes are held at student residences / boarding dormitories at our camps in Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Marbella, Salamanca and Valencia, where students take 4 lessons/day of Spanish or English.

Additionally, our youngsters participate in a plethora of traditional summer camp activities, such as sports, games, competitions, and parties… but the fact that they’re in Spain facilitates the added bonus of cultural trips and visits to historical sites. To top it all off, our dedicated staff of counselors accompanies, encourages and mentors the students with 24-hour supervision. All of this adds up to so much fun that the campers don’t even realize how much they’re learning!

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20 types of Spanish programs for all ages, with accommodation & excellent services.

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