Valencia and Valencian Community Day
Valencia celebrates one of its most important holidays on October 9, which marks the capture of part of the city by Jaime I and his Christian troops way back in 1238. The day is observed in the entire autonomous community of Valencia, but it is celebrated with special sentiment in the capital city of Valencia. The tradition of lowering the Valencian flag has been observed since 1368. A procession immediately follows that goes from city hall to the cathedral, where a religious hymn entitled “Te Deum” is sung. Afterward, the procession heads to Parterre (likely Valencia’s most famous park) where a floral offering is made to the statue of a legendary king.

It’s also a day for a number of other activities including cultural events, performances and fireworks.
The celebration also coincides with the day Valencia’s patron saint of couples in love. Couples often give each other figures made of marzipan called "mocadoràs". These sweets come in the shape of Valencian fruits and vegetables and they display impressive realism and detail; it’s a shame you have to eat them!
So if you’re in the city of Valencia, don’t miss this popular fiesta: you’ll experience history, fun activities... and delicious treats!