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Who's the Spanish version of your favorite singer? (II)

Listen up, pump up the volume and get ready to listen to Spanish versions of your favorite singers. Discover who's your favourite Spanish singer

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  4. Who's the Spanish version of your favorite singer? (II)

A few weeks ago we compared some of the most well-known English-language singers with some of the most well-known in the Spanish language. It was a pretty great list if we do say so ourselves, but we thought we’d give you a few more! So listen up, pump up the volume and get ready to listen to Spanish versions of…

Rita Ora = Mala Rodriguez

Both women are urban poets and have become successes without forgetting about where they come from. In addition, both stand out for their strong lyrics that seem to say, “I am who I am and I don’t care what anyone says about me.” Perhaps the British singer is slightly more “for everyone” while Mala is more brazen, tough and direct. To learn more about our favorite bad (mala) girl you can listen to “Quien manda” (“Who’s in charge”).

Jay-Z = Frank T

Our Frank T’s bank account may not be quite as big as Beyoncé husband’s; but both are rappers, producers, prestigious MCs and have launched the careers of other singers. Frank, also has a very characteristic voice that works wonderfully as a radio personality. We guess you can tell we love his work, so we’re going to recommend one of his most famous songs, “Nuevo Ser” (New Being).  The video may be very basic and not so spectacular, but pay attention to his lyrics, that’s where he really shines.

Eminem = ToteKing

Our equivalent of the “all American” rapper is Sevillian ToteKing. His songs speak of how frustrating life, work, and the music industry can be and how we have to just keep going, in a sometimes raw and punching way. If you want to know more about him we recommend “Mi política” (My policy).

Feist = Russian Red

The Canadian singer Feist and the Spanish Russian Red not only share similar tastes in the alternative scene, they also share similar styles and even similar sounding voices that evoke a certain innocence, but at the same time are full of character. Their lyrics are simple but poetic and filled with meaning at the same time. In short they share a style that both someone optimistic and someone a little more cynical can listen to and like. Which Russian Red song do we recommend? “Cigarettes” (keep in mind she sings in English).

What do you think of these musicians? Do you agree with our comparisons? Think there are other Spanish language singers that come closer to their English counterparts? Let us know!

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