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Flamenco singers every collection should include

Take a look at some of the best flamenco singers of all time, with their peculiar styles and unquestionable talent

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Flamenco is an immortal art linked to Spanish history practically since its beginnings, and the list of great new flamenco singers grows every year. However, there are some unforgettable flamenco singers who shine (or shone) brighter than the rest in this extremely competitive and talent-filled sector. Here are some of the best flamenco singers you should definitely include in your collection (if you don’t already have them there):

Camarón de la Isla (1950-1992)

Camarón de la Isla is probably the best known flamenco singer in the world. From the time he was 5 years old, at Los Hermanitos en San Fernando school, his talent and passion for flamenco singing was already crystal clear. In 1966, he met the guitarist Paco de Lucía, and their collaboration led to 9 albums in less than 10 years. These albums, along with being compositions of the highest quality, revolutionized the genre with their inclusion of jazz and rock and roll, creating the genre flamenco fusion.

Along with his collaborations with other guitar players like Tomatito and Vicente Amigo, Camerón de la Isla will go down in history as the creator of “Soy Gitano” (1989), the top selling album ever created in the genre.

Enrique Morente (1942-2010)

Considered one of the great revolutionaries of flamenco, Enrique Morente was a student of none less than the great Pepe de la Matrona. His effort and respect for learning were greater than his talent and register, and he was able to become an international flamenco singer, playing important shows in New York, Washington, and many other cities.

He collaborated with some of the greatest artist in the genre such as Camarón, as well as with other musicians and singers linked to flamenco, like Chambao, Los Planetas and with his own daughter, Estrella Morente.

Antonio Chacón (1869-1929)

Antonio Chacón is one of the most recognized flamenco artists in the world. He began his professional career at a very young age and generated so much respect and admiration that it didn’t take long for him to be considered a master. Many flamenco singers consider Chacón to be one of the most creative musicians of all time, especially when improvising, letting loose with his particular style.

Antonio Mairena (1909-1983)

Antonio Mairena is one of the most distinguished flamenco singers. He stood out as an artist not only because of his innate talent, for which he won awards and recognition, but also because of his unusual interest in research and education about the genre which inspired so much passion in him. So much so in fact, that he wrote two essential books about flamenco during his lifetime.

Antonio Núñez Montoya “El Chocolate” (1930-2005)

Antonio Núñez Montoya, from Jerez, known artistically as “El Chocolate,” was one of the most complete flamenco singers in the genre. His purity of style and “sonidos negros” (dark sounds) were his trademarks throughout his professional career. But he was not lacking in personality, and had a style that shone bright especially in Fandangos, Soleás and Seguiriyas.

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