Spanish Courses for Business & Professionals

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Spanish for Business courses

The demand for learning Spanish for business has more than doubled in the last 10 years and in 15 years there will be 500 million Spanish speakers in the world. As a result, business negotiations and trade agreements in both hemispheres hinge more and more on the economic importance of Spanish. It is now one of the most prominent languages in international business and political meetings and is an official language in the EU, MERCOSUR, UNESCO, the UN, GATT, ONUDI & U.I.T.

Course OptionsLessons/ week# weeks
Madrid Chamber of Commerce Exam preparation102 or 4
Executive One-on-One Course1, 5, 10, 20 +Minimum 1

Additionally, the increasing number of Spanish speakers in the U.S. has made it crucial to a variety of professions.

For all of these reasons, Enforex offers a variety of Spanish Courses for Professionals designed to help you use Spanish in your career. You'll improve your general Spanish skills and, at the same time, acquire the vocabulary and cultural knowledge necessary to feel comfortable speaking and writing about all kinds of professional topics.

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20 types of Spanish programs for all ages, with accommodation & excellent services.

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