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Words of Love by Spanish Speaking Authors

We already know that Spanish is passion... but it is also love. And as proof here are immortal phrases by some of our best authors, perfect for Valentine's

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We already know that Spanish is passion… but it is also love. And as proof here are 10 immortal phrases by some of our best authors, perfect for Valentine’s Day!

Love and desire are two different things; we do not desire everything that we love, nor love everything we desire
Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), Spanish writer.

Laughing together is the greatest symptom of love.
Carmen Martin Gaite (1925-2000), Spanish writer.

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting next to him and know that you will never have him.
Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014), Colombian writer.

Love as you can, love who you can, love everything you can. Do not worry about the purpose of your love.
Amado Nervo (1870-1919), Mexican poet.

Love begins with unease, wanting, aching and anxiety; it grows with risks, predicaments and misgivings; it is sustained by crying and begging.
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (1651-1695), Mexican poet.

You won’t know what I’m worth until all that I am is with you.
Gregorio Marañón (1887-1960), doctor and Spanish writer.

There is a sure way to reach every heart: love.
Concepcion Arenal (1600 – 1681), Spanish writer and sociologist.

What most people call love consists of choosing a woman and marrying her. They choose her, I swear, I have seen it. As if you could choose love, as if it were not a lightning bolt that breaks your bones and leaves you struck down in the middle of the courtyard.
Julio Cortazar (1914-1984), Argentinean writer.

I want you to come, but I do not want to come close to your voice and not get burned.
Gloria Fuertes (1917-1998), Spanish poet.

(…) That love is not just sublime devotion to fire, which, with delicious martyrdom, we let consume us.
Bernardo Acevedo, Spanish dramatist (1542-1636 estimated year of death).

Of course these are just a few. If you dig deep into our history, art and literature… you’ll have more than enough material for your next declaration of love!

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