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Teaching Spanish in Spain and Latin America since 1989

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Spanish: The way to Victory

Take advantage of our enthusiasm and register to obtain the DELE! You know that it means “Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera”, but in Spanish it is also the acronym for “Discipline, Effort, Fight and Success”

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Some days ago, our Football National Team won the Eurocup for the second time (and don’t forget the World Cup, too). The celebrations were constant, and all of us Spaniards came together to celebrate it. Not only because we like football, but also because we feel that the players are an example of self-improvement for all of us.

That is why we have thought about communicating our pride and our eagerness for self-improvement to our Spanish as a Foreign Language students. Take advantage of our enthusiasm and register to obtain the DELE! You know that it means “Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera”, but in Spanish it is also the acronym for ““Disciplina, Esfuerzo, Lucha y Éxito” (“Discipline, Effort, Fight and Success”): the qualities that you all possess.

Truth is that learning Spanish is like playing a football game. Hard training is required, we won’t deny that, but it also has a reward. If you obtain the DELE you will have a title that will certify you as the best in the second language in the world… Do you imagine how many goals you could score in your life at work thanks to this? Don’t miss the chance of being a part of the Spanish Language National Team.

The August exams are very close and we use this opportunity to inform you that, if you are interested, you can ask us about our preparation courses. We will be happy to help you out, but hurry up! The matriculation period ends on July 27th!*.

*Remember the Next DELE Exam Date: 24th August

We have the football champions in Spain… But we also want to have the Spanish Language world champions!

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