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Spanish expressions: colloquial phrases

Spanish expressions: colloquial phrases

Colloquial expressions are widely used in Spanish. Learn the most common ones and master the language with colloquial expressions and phrases in Spanish.

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Spanish colloquial expressions are linguistic gems that reflect the essence of everyday life. After all, these expressions give a touch of authenticity and emotional connection to Spanish discussions.

In this article, you can discover the most common and peculiar Spanish expressions, discover their meaning and some examples. Read on to find out!

What are colloquial expressions?

Colloquial expressions are informal linguistic turns of phrases used in everyday speech. These expressions encapsulate the cultural and social richness of Spanish, offering its speakers a different way of interpreting life situations.

One of the most remarkable characteristics of colloquial expressions in Spanish is their ability to add authenticity to communication. Often, these expressions are untranslatable literally and require a deep understanding of culture, context, and language. For example, the expression “Estar en las nubes” does not literally mean to be floating in the sky, but to be distracted

The role of colloquial expressions in Spanish

Colloquial expressions simplify and streamline conversation, as well as strengthen the bonds between speakers by sharing a common and familiar language. They also bring an emotional and cultural nuance that more formal forms of communication cannot comprehend.

By using these colloquial expressions, speakers establish a sense of closeness and complicity. Understanding these expressions requires an understanding of the customs and the community that uses them, in this case, Spanish. These expressions are small windows that allow us to peek into the life and mentality of those who use them.

The most common colloquial expressions

These are some of the most common Spanish expressions:

Example: “Mi teléfono está en las últimas, necesito uno nuevo” (“My phone is on its last legs, I need a new one”).

An example would be: “No debería haberle dicho eso a mi prima, metí la pata” (“I shouldn't have said that to my cousin, I screwed up”).

Example: “No te preocupes por el examen, será pan comido” (“Don't worry about the exam, it'll be a piece of cake”).

Example: “No te preocupes, solo estoy tomándote el pelo con este tema” (“Don't worry, I'm just teasing you on this one”).

Example: “No deberías haber hablado con el jefe, te has metido en camisa de once varas” (“You shouldn't have talked to the boss, you've gotten yourself in over your head”).

When you are talking to someone and they don't seem to be listening to you, you can say: “Parece que estás en las nubes, no me estás prestando atención” (“You seem to be in the clouds, you are not paying attention to me”).

Spanish colloquial phrase: estar de mala leche

An example would be: “No hables ahora con tu compañero, está de mala leche por suspender el trabajo” (“Don't talk to your partner now, he's in a bad mood for failing the essay”).

When you are in the car, and they keep asking you if there is much time left to get to your destination. You can say: “Deja de preguntarme lo mismo, eres más pesado que una vaca en brazos” (“Stop asking me the same question, you're heavier than a cow in your arms”).

Example: “¿Cómo que no recuerdas dónde pusiste las llaves? Se te va la olla” (“What do you mean you don't remember where you put the keys? You lose your mind”).

For example: “Estate al loro, que van a cambiar el horario de la reunion” (“Be on the lookout, they are going to change the meeting schedule”).

Example: “Su jefe le cantó las 40 por su mal comportamiento en la oficina” (“Your boss told you off for your bad behavior in the office”).

Example: “Juan vive muy lejos. Su casa está en el quinto pino” (“Juan lives far away. His house is in the boondocks”).

For example: “No esperes que pague Tania la cuenta, es de puño cerrado” (“Don't expect Tania to pay the bill, she is miserly”).

When you meet a friend and he is late for the agreed time: “Siempre anda con la hora pegada al culo, nunca llega a tiempo” (“He is always late, he is never on time”).

Spanish colloquial expression

These are just some of the most common expressions in Spanish, but there are many more in Spanish and they are cultural capsules. Each colloquial expression in Spanish is a different way for speakers to interpret and cope with life.

Mastering colloquial expressions enriches your communication skills in Spanish, but also allows you to immerse yourself in the culture of a country. However, if you want to improve your Spanish to the maximum, don't hesitate to take an intensive Spanish course with Enforex. We have schools in various cities in Spain and several Latin American countries so that you can learn Spanish surrounded by culture.

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