Vacations are just around the corner, or if you're one of the lucky ones, you're already on vacation this summer! So, if your intention is to travel to a Spanish-speaking country like Spain or Mexico, you're in luck, in this Enforex article we'll teach you the Spanish vocabulary you need if you get lost at the airport.
Don't miss a word and learn how to ask for the boarding area, where your plane is taking off or how to get to a different terminal. Keep reading!
Spanish airport words
This comprehensive list of Spanish words airport will get you out of more than a few situations this vacation season.
- Aeropuerto - Airport
- Vuelo – Flight
- Número de vuelo - Flight number
- Aerolínea - Airline
- Mostrador de la aerolínea - Airline counter
- Tiempo de abordaje - Boarding time
- Llegadas – Arrivals
- Hora de llegada - Arrival time
- Salidas – Departures
- Hora de salida - Departure time
- Puerta de embarque - Boarding gate
- Escala – Scale
- Turbulencias - Turbulence
- Facturación - Check-in
- Equipaje - Luggage/Baggage
- Equipaje de mano - Hand luggage/Carry-on
- Cinta de equipajes - Baggage carousel
- Mostrador de información - Information desk
- Pasajero - Passenger
- Pasaporte - Passport
- Tarjeta de embarque - Boarding pass
- Control de seguridad - Security check
- Zona de embarque - Boarding area
- Sala de espera - Waiting room/Lounge
- Despegar - Take off
- Aterrizar - Land
- Retraso - Delay
- Cancelado - Cancelled
- Pérdida de equipaje - Lost luggage
- Asistencia al pasajero - Passenger assistance
- Aduana - Customs
- Control de pasaportes - Passport control
- Sala de recogida de equipajes - Baggage claim area
- Transporte al aeropuerto - Airport transportation
- Alquiler de coches - Car rental
- Baños/Servicios - Restrooms
- Zona de fumadores - Smoking area
- Zona de no fumadores - Non-smoking area
- Emergencia - Emergency
- Salida de emergencia - Emergency exit
Did you already know any of these Spanish words for the airport? If you want to continue learning, you can do so with a Spanish course in Spain with Enforex.
Once you are on the plane, do you know what Spanish vocabulary is used? Here is a list of the most basic words:
- Cabina - Cabin
- Tripulación - Crew
- Azafata/o - Flight Attendant
- Piloto - Pilot
- Copiloto - Co-pilot
- Cabina del piloto - Cockpit
- Primera clase - First Class
- Clase económica - Economy Class
- Pasillo - Aisle
- Fila - Row
- Asiento de pasillo - Aisle seat
- Asiento de ventanilla - Window seat
- Compartimento de cabina - Cabin compartment
- Cinturón de seguridad - Safety belt
- Salida de emergencia - Emergency exit
- Chaleco salvavidas - Life vest
- Máscara de oxígeno - Oxygen mask

Uselful Spanish phrases at the airport
Once you have internalized the most important Spanish words at the airport, you need to know some key phrases. All these Spanish phrases will help you communicate and ask questions if you are lost or need assistance.
- ¿Dónde está la puerta de embarque? (Where is the boarding gate?)
- ¿A qué hora sale el vuelo? (What time does the flight depart?)
- ¿A qué hora llega el vuelo? (What time does the flight arrive?)
- ¿Dónde puedo facturar mi equipaje? (Where can I check in my luggage?)
- ¿Dónde está el control de seguridad? (Where is the security check?)
- ¿Dónde puedo recoger mi equipaje? (Where can I pick up my luggage?)
- He perdido mi equipaje (I have lost my luggage)
- Necesito asistencia (I need assistance)
- Mi vuelo está retrasado/cancelado (My flight is delayed/cancelled)
- ¿Dónde está el mostrador de información? (Where is the information desk?)
- ¿Hay Wi-Fi disponible? (Is there Wi-Fi available?)
- Necesito ayuda con el transporte al aeropuerto (I need help with airport transportation)
- ¿Cómo llego del aeropuerto al hotel? (How do I get from the airport to the hotel?)
- ¿Dónde puedo alquilar un coche? (Where can I rent a car?)
- ¿Dónde están los baños? (Where are the restrooms?)
- ¿Puede hablar más despacio, por favor? (Can you speak more slowly, please?)
- ¿Cuál es mi asiento? (Which seat is mine?)
- Fue un vuelo muy tranquilo, pero hubo turbulencias al principio (It was a very smooth flight, but there was turbulence at the beginning)
- Tenga su pasaporte, visa y documentos en la mano antes de embarcar (Have your passport, visa and documents in hand before boarding)
- Desde la terminal se ve la pista de aterrizaje (From the terminal you can see the runway)
After learning all this vocabulary, we can only wish you a good trip!
Seasons and months in Spanish Spanish seasons. Seasons and months of the year in Spanish to learn all the relevant vocabulary about the seasons and months in Spanish with Enforex.
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