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New version of Enforex Spanish Culture Newsletter

In our never-ending quest to offer a better experience to our users, we've decided to present a new Spanish cultural newsletter

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July is really great month at Enforex! In our never-ending quest to offer a better experience to our users, we’ve decided to overhaul our successful Spanish Culture Newsletter. The first issue of this new edition has just been released. As you can see, we have changed some of the old sections. Now the content is more interesting and focuses deeeper on Spanish idiosyncrasies. We’ve divided it up into new topics, such as Famous People, Typically Spanish or Gastronomy, along with a special space where we talk about our business and the latest news. We think you’ll really enjoy the new themes! And remember, you can subscribe to our newsletter and receive each new issue in your e-mail inbox every month. Please find below one of the articles we’ve written for the July edition; to read the rest of them, just click on the Spanish culture tab on this blog or navigate to the homonym section placed within our official website.

Spanish recipe: the Fideuá.

Given its appearance and seasoning, fideuá could be considered a substitute for the very well-known paella. Like paella, fideuá is a typical Valencian dish. Specifically, it comes from the town of Gandía, the birthplace of its creator, a sailor who one day decided to do a very unique take on paella by replacing the rice with noodles. It was meant as a trick to discourage his captain, who loved paella so much he would gobble it all up himself, leaving nothing for his crew. It is said that not only did this plan fail, the new recipe also became known throughout Valencian ports and from there spread across the whole eastern Spanish coast, almost achieving the same gastronomic significance as paella itself. Today, it is a mark of culinary identity in this region of Spain and is prepared with great care in any restaurant in the area.

As with any good sailor’s dish, it should be made with shellfish and other ingredients plucked from the ocean’s bounty. Those knowledgeable about such things recommend using fish and select seafoods, from monkfish and squid to Norway lobsters and prawns. These delicacies crown a layer of noodles – sometimes thick, sometimes thin). The noodles have a golden tone thanks to saffron and cayenne pepper and are also topped with vegetables. Similarities with paella are, thus, quite obvious – from afar, even an expert might confuse them. Although fideuá is generally prepared in the same pans used for paella, called paelleras, it is nevertheless its own, independent creation and traditional dish that deserves to be judged on its own merits.

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