Spanish courses in Mendoza, Argentina

The Spanish courses in Mendoza that are available are listed below. Designed for ages eighteen and over, there is a wide variety of options, as you can enjoy some of the most popular Spanish courses in Mendoza that are offered in this charming city.
The following Spanish courses are available in Mendoza. Click on the Spanish course in Mendoza you're interested in to see more details.
- Intensive Spanish courses (20 lessons per week)
- Super Intensive Spanish courses (30 lessons per week)
- Intensive Course 25 (25 lessons)
- One on one course (5, 10 o 20lessons per week)
You can try the intensive Spanish course in Mendoza, by far our most popular program – and for good reason. This perfectly balances the hours you spend in class with the time that you have to explore the city to create a holiday feel with some serious learning opportunities. Enforex offers Spanish courses in Latin America, and most also offer the super intensive courses that will help you to learn quicker if you do not have much time to spare.

If you want to liven up your lessons and give them a more active dimension, you can simply choose one of our dancing courses to raise your pulse and provide all the fun that you will need. You have the choice of either tango or salsa – both can be danced with partners or alone, and both have international reputations as beautiful dance forms that are admired by dancing enthusiasts or casual observers the world over. The difference between them? Tango has more passion and danger, telling the stories of lovers reunited or spited, affairs and forbidden love; whereas salsa is more upbeat and fun, often following a faster tempo with fancy footwork.
If you are not too confident in your Spanish abilities, or simply want to spend less time in the classroom and keep your lessons to yourself, you could try our one on one course of ten lessons per week. This will give you plenty of opportunity to get out there and enjoy Mendoza, allowing you to really enjoy a holiday whilst at the same time improving your Spanish skills. Whether you take someone else with you or simply explore the area alone, relying on your language to get your by, you are sure to enjoy your time here, as the atmosphere cannot be compared to any other city in the world. It is a unique experience that you will be sure to remember for the rest of your life!