Accommodations in Bariloche

When you study Spanish with our language school in Bariloche, you will be able to stay with a host family who are local residents and native speakers of Spanish. We carefully select only the best suited families that welcome foreign students as one of their own, allowing you to become fully immersed in local life and everyday customs. What is more, you'll enjoy delicious, home cooked meals every day – and they will be traditional dishes so that you get to see the local cuisine and understand those customs all the more. You may also find that you learn new words and ways of using them while you are in this environment, as they will be able to discuss things with you which are not part of your daily curriculum. This is a great way to build a real working proficiency which will allow you to take part in day to day conversations easily.
When you are staying with a local host family, you will be able to gain the confidence required to speak out in another language, hence advancing your communicative abilities faster than you knew was possible! This is not just about the Spanish language itself, but also about learning how to make sure that you can be understood even when you are just starting to learn how to speak it. Simply by living in a Spanish family home and taking part in completely simple, everyday tasks, you will be learning about the Argentinean culture and improving your Spanish speaking skills without even knowing it! This is a great way to give your studies a real boost, which will have a bigger effect on your skills than you may even know yourself.
If you are considering staying with a host family for the duration of your course, then you might like to know that there are both private and shared rooms available, which means that you can go for different cost levels as well as having things set up in the way that is most comfortable for you. Additionally, you may choose between half board and breakfast only catering options to ensure that you get a good taste of the local cuisine, or the chance to go out more often into the city to eat if you would prefer that. Enforex’s carefully chosen host families will accept you into their household as if you were their own son or daughter right from the moment that you first arrive in Argentina, and will be happy to make sure that your stay is a lot more exciting and rewarding from start to finish. You will feel so at ease that you will almost begin to think that you are in your own home – and many people will enjoy their stay so much that they become fast friends with their hosts, staying in touch for many years and perhaps even ending up returning for more visits later on in life to continue building that friendship and practicing their all important language skills!
- Host Families (single or double room, half board or bed & breakfast)