Don Quijote
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Don Quijote

Don Quijote, the character created by Miguel de Cervantes, is one that is known very well around Spain and throughout the world- and for good reason. Don Quijote has been an inspiration for Spain with his complex personality as well as for his contributions to the Spanish language.

His story is broken down into two main sections. The first is quite relaxed and doesn't shy too far away from the comedic side of things, whilst the second half dives much more into the philosophical issues at hand. It lends itself not only to the written word but also music and art. Furthermore, the character has brought inspiration to many. Don Quijote has also had a strong influence on the Spanish language, which is seen by the example 'de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme' ('whose name i do not want to remember'), nowadays a commonly-used Spanish expression.

The Story

On his first run Don Quijote is named named Alonso Quijano and he goes on his quest to find an adventure. He gets in a fight with muleteers trying to water their mules, after which he is assured by the innkeeper that he is in fact a knight; this is mainly just in Don Quijote's mind, but the innkeeper felt obliged to do so. Following this he goes into Toledo, where he is made fun of by traders for his imaginary "Dulcinea", his imaginary lady in waiting. He then goes home with Pedro Crespo.

In the second part he manages to convince Sancho Panza, his neighbour, to become his squire. From here the mayhem commenses, in scenes such as the epic battles with the windmills in La Mancha, which he believes to be giants. Along the way they bump into all kinds of people and Don Quijote enjoys getting involved in matters that aren't of his concern and which often get him into trouble.

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