Quito Guide Introduction
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Introduction to Quito

Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús

Quito has long been an important city in South America: passed from Quitus to Incas to Spaniards, this captivating capital has continued to evolve over nearly 800 years. It is now one of the most intriguing and charming cities in Latin America.

Despite Quito’s proximity to the equator, its high altitude gives it a pleasant climate described as “permanent spring.” Colonial Quito is considered to be the best-preserved historic center in Latin America, full of cobblestone streets, Baroque churches and monasteries, beautiful fountains, spacious squares and government buildings. At the same time, you can find lively, colourful Indian markets dispersed throughout, just one example of the fascinating contrasts this city has to offer.

Quito’s central location makes it easy to travel around Ecuador, and you can also take excursions to the Galapagos Islands or neighboring Peru.

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