Spanish Town
Language Resources

Around town / En el pueblo

Do you feel a little disoriented because you have to pick up some documents from a certain address and you do not know how to ask how to get there in Spanish? Are you just looking for a certain shop or service and you have no idea where it is? No need to worry as, in this section, you will find both the names of the main types of roads and other related words which will help you to navigate around once someone has told you where to go and how to get to the various different places around the town or city.

It can be very important to know where you are going when you first arrive in Spain or one of the other Spanish speaking countries which you may choose to learn in. When you get off the plane, for example, you may have to get a taxi to the nearest train station, in which case it is important to ask for that place by name. You might need to get a bus instead, so it is necessary to know the distinction between the two different types of transport hubs. You can easily start to see how important it is to have these words and phrases at your disposal, especially once you have settled in to the city a little more and you are more likely to be going around and looking at various different places in order to buy items that you need or set off on an excursion to a nearby area. Knowing these words can help you to travel more freely.

Therefore, if someone says to you in Spanish “the library is on the corner next to the police station”, you will not have any problem. And if someone asks you where the nearest market is, you can tell them with confidence and accuracy – so long as you actually know the answer, of course! Keep this list close at hand either by copying it out for yourself or by saving it to the bookmarks of your web browser if you want to be able to learn it all and check up on it as often as possible, as this will help you to get all of the information that you need when you are looking for places that you need to go to.

Traffic light
Street lamp
Grocery store
Fish market
Pastry shop
Shopping center
Police station
Dry cleaner
Post office
Bus station
Train station
Taxi stop

La calle
La avenida
La plaza
La acera
El centro
El barrio
El edificio
El semáforo
La farola
El supermercado
El mercado
La pescadería
La panadería
La pastelería
El centro comercial
La comisaría de policía
La farmacia
El hospital
La tintorería
El banco
La biblioteca
Los correos
La escuela
El museo
El aeropuerto
La estación de autobuses
La estación de trenes
La parada de taxi

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