Quien fue a Sevilla perdió su silla
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Quien fue a Sevilla perdió su silla

This saying is used when something negative happens to us in our absence. Here is an example: Let's say we have the best seat at a concert and we get up to get something to drink. When we return, much to our chagrin, we find that someone has taken our place.

But, what does that wonderful Andalusian city have to do with someone taking our seat? Behind this saying is a very interesting story.

In the 15th century, the archbishop of Seville, Alonso de Fonseca—nicnamed El Viejo (The Old Man)—went on a trip to Galicia for church related matters in Santiago de Campostela. Since he thought that the only people he could trust in absence were his family, he ceded his power to his nephew, Alonso de FonsecaEl Mozo (The Kid)—while he was away. You can imagine El Viejo's surprise when he returned to Seville to discover that his young nephew refused to return to him the post of archbishop!

Of course, you are probably asking "Then the saying should be quién se fue (departed) de Sevilla perdió su silla?" Well, that is what we were asking ourselves. We will keep investigating.

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